Fonts currently supported by Online Punjabi Font Converter
The conversion between the following fonts is currently supported:
  • Akhar
  • DRChatrikWeb
  • GurbaniAkhar
  • GurbaniLipi
  • Gurmukhi (includes GurmukhiLys 010, 020, 030, 040)
  • Joy
  • Punjabi
  • Satluj
  • WebAkhar
In the above list, different versions of a font are not listed separately. Select the main font name for conversion involving that group. For example, for conversion involving GurbaniAkhar Heavy, GurbaniAkhar Slim, GurbaniAkar Light, and GurbaniAkhar Thick, use GurbaniAkhar.

In addition to the above list, the conversion to/from ISCII (Indian Script Code for Information Interchange) and Gurmukhi Unicode (Raavi) is also supported.
Using Online Punjabi Font Converter for Text Conversion
  • Type or paste the text for conversion in the input box
  • Select the font of the input text
  • Select the font for the output text
  • Click on 'Convert'
The converted output for the input text will be displayed in the right side box. The input and output text will be displayed in their respective Punjabi fonts you selected (if you have those fonts installed on your system). If you do not see the output text in the font you selected, then copy the output text and paste it in your word processor to see the text in your desired font.

For best conversion results, please ensure that your text is free of any English text and HTML formatting. Please let us know of any issues you encounter.
Using Online Punjabi Font Converter for Web Page Conversion
This feature is not functional yet.
  • Type or paste the URL of the web page having text in a Punjabi font
  • Select the font of the text in the web page
  • For output currently only Unicode Raavi is supported
  • Click on 'Convert'
The web page with its text converted to the output font will be displayed.

Ensure that the web page contains text in a single font. Please report the issues here.
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