Following is a description of the part of speech tags used by this online part of speech tagger for Punjabi, excluding POS tags for the punctuation marks.
Characters |
Category/Feature |
Symbol-Description |
1-2 |
Word Class |
NN-Noun |
3 |
Gender |
M-Masculine, F-Feminine, B-Both |
4 |
Number |
S-Singular, P-Plural, X-Both |
5 |
Case |
D-Direct, O-Oblique, V-Vocative, A-Ablative, L-Locative, I-Instrumental |
1-3 |
Word Class |
PNP-ProNoun Personal |
4 |
Gender |
M-Masculine, F-Feminine, B-Both |
5 |
Number |
S-Singular, P-Plural |
6-7 |
Case |
D-Direct, O-Oblique, V-Vocative, A-Ablative, D-Dative, GD-Genitive Direct, GO-Genitive Oblique, GV-Genitive Vocative |
8 |
Person |
F-First, S-Second, T-Third, 4 (First + Second) |
1-3 |
Word Class |
PNR-ProNoun Reflexive |
4 |
Gender |
M-Masculine, F-Feminine, B-Both |
5 |
Number |
S-Singular, P-Plural |
6-7 |
Case |
D-Direct, O-Oblique, V-Vocative, GD-Genitive Direct, GO-Genitive Oblique, GV-Genitive Vocative |
1-3 |
Word Class |
PND-ProNoun Demonstrative |
4 |
Gender |
M-Masculine, F-Feminine, B-Both |
5 |
Number |
S-Singular, P-Plural, X-Both |
6-7 |
Case |
D-Direct, O-Oblique, V-Vocative, A-Ablative, T-daTive, I-Instrumental, GD-Genitive Direct, GO-Genitive Oblique |
1-3 |
Word Class |
PNI-ProNoun Instrumental |
4 |
Both |
B-Both |
5 |
Number |
S-Singular, P-Plural |
6 |
Case |
D-Direct, O-Oblique, L-Locative, I-Instrumental |
1-3 |
Word Class |
PNE-ProNoun rElative |
4 |
Gender |
M-Masculine, F-Feminine, B-Both |
5 |
Number |
S-Singular, P-Plural, X-Both |
6 |
Case |
D-Direct, O-Oblique, I-Instrumental |
1-3 |
Word Class |
PNN-ProNoun iNterrogative |
4 |
Gender |
M-Masculine, F-Feminine, B-Both |
5 |
Number |
S-Singular, P-Plural, X-Both |
6 |
Case |
D-Direct, O-Oblique, A-Ablative, I-Instrumental |
1-3 |
Word Class |
AJI-AdJective Inflected |
4 |
Gender |
M-Masculine, F-Feminine, B-Both |
5 |
Number |
S-Singular, P-Plural, X-Both |
6 |
Case |
D-Direct, O-Oblique, V-Vocative, A-Ablative, L-Locative, I-Instrumental |
1-3 |
Word Class |
AJU-AdJective Uninflected |
1-2 |
Word Class |
CD-CarDinal |
3 |
Number |
S-Singular, P-Plural, B-Both |
4 |
Case |
D-Direct, O-Oblique, L-Locative, A-All cases |
1-2 |
Word Class |
OD-OrDinal |
3 |
Gender |
M-Masculine, F-Feminine |
4 |
Number |
S-Singular |
5 |
Case |
D-Direct, O-Oblique |
1-4 |
Word Class |
VBMA-VerB MAin |
5 |
Gender |
M-Masculine, F-Feminine, X-No inflection |
6 |
Number |
S-Singular, P-Plural, X-No inflection |
7 |
Person |
F-First, S-Second, T-Third, X-No inflection |
8 |
Tense |
3-Future, X-No inflection |
9 |
Phase |
P-Perfect, X-No inflection |
10 |
Transitivity |
T-Transitive, I-Intransitive, B-Both |
11 |
Causality |
S-Simple, D-Double, N-None |
12-15 |
Inflectional Class |
Values - U, O, E, NA, DA, IA, IDA, EGA, DIAN, IAN, NON, N, KE, and DON |
1-4 |
Word Class |
VBAX-VerB AuXiliary |
5 |
Gender |
M-Masculine, F-Feminine, B-Both |
6 |
Number |
S-Singular, P-Plural, X-Both |
7 |
Person |
F-First, S-Second, T-Third, A-All |
8 |
Tense |
1-Present, 2-Past |
1-3 |
Word Class |
AVI-AdVerb Inflected |
4 |
Gender |
M-Masculine, F-Feminine, B-Both |
5 |
Number |
S-Singular, P-Plural |
6 |
Case |
D-Direct, O-Oblique, V-Vocative, A-Ablative, L-Locative, I-Instrumental |
1-3 |
Word Class |
AVU-AdVerb Uninflected |
1-3 |
Word Class |
PPI-PostPosition Inflected |
4 |
Gender |
M-Masculine, F-Feminine, B-Both |
5 |
Number |
S-Singular, P-Plural, X-Both |
6 |
Case |
D-Direct, O-Oblique, V-Vocative, A-Ablative, L-Locative, I-Instrumental |
1-3 |
Word Class |
PPU-PostPosition Uninflected |
1-2 |
Word Class |
CJ-ConJunction |
3 |
Type |
C-Coordinate, S-Subordinate, B-Both |
1-3 |
Word Class |
PTU-ParTicle Uninflected |
4 |
Type |
E-Emphatic, N-Negative, H-Honorific, U-Undecided |
1-3 |
Word Class |
PTV-ParTicle Vocative |
4 |
Gender |
M-Masculine, F-Feminine, B-Both |
5 |
Number |
S-Singular, P-Plural, B-Both |
1-3 |
Word Class |
VBP-VerB Part |
There are some word specific tags in this POS tagset, as mentioned in the table below. All the words (belonging to inflected postposition word class) having root ਦਾ and ਦੀ, will have their POS tag starting with PPIDA unlike PPI for other inflected postpositions. All the remaining words mentioned in this table belong to uninflected word classes, so their POS tags are word specific. ਦਾ and ਦੀ are postpositions that work as genitive case markers, and are used to make modifier or adjective phrases. ਨੇ, ਨੂੰ, and ਤੋਂ are postpositions, and mark subject/object noun phrases in Punjabi sentences. ਕੁ and ਕੇ are particles.